manage stress

Stress, we’re all dealing with it

Stress, we’re all dealing with it

Stress, needs to be managed well. The American Institute of Stress states the most common explanation is a “physical, mental, or emotional strain or tension.”

So what does this broad definition mean to you? Two thoughts for you to ponder over?


  • Do you bring “mindful attention” to the stress in your life? If yes, then
  • Do you have time to acknowledge and dig deeper into the cause?


Do you know that long-term stress influence beyond our mental being? It has huge physical repercussions too. This includes the long-term effects of chronic stress, like a strained immune system, and blood glucose control. Stress can impact individuals with prediabetes, diabetes and gestational diabetes.  


Stress can impact your blood glucose levels in the short term. The rise in glucose happens because these elevated emotional stress levels can elicit a biological fight-or-flight response. When stressed, your adrenal gland releases cortisol, a hormone that stimulates your liver to release glucose into your blood.  When you’re chronically stressed, your adrenal gland secretes cortisol at all times, which can raise your blood glucose in both the fasting and post-meal state.

So although stress may not be THE CAUSE for onset of diabetes,  it may be one of the catalyst if you will. 

So lets get to the strategies of reducing your stress.

  • Eat a Whole-Food, Plant-Based Diet which includes keeping your fat low- Up level your nutrition plate with more veggies and fresh fruits.  Your diet can play a huge part in helping reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, both of which contribute to the physical effects of stress.


  • Incorporate minimum 30 minutes daily movements– The most important thing is to pick an activity that you enjoy. Virtually any form of exercise, from aerobics to yoga, can act as a stress reliever. According to the Mayo Clinic, almost any exercise or movement can increase your fitness level while decreasing your stress.


  • Commit to daily check in– Do not let your day pass by without self-check-in. Again a short Yoga Nidra or pranayama goes a long way in bringing awareness to your body and mind. Such guidance are available on Utube. Maintaining a daily journal is also very useful.


  • Get social in a creative and fun way– Isolation and loneliness can add to your emotional stress. Spend time outside in nature doing fun stuff like gardening with your kids, joining a walking or running club, painting class etc. Talking with a spouse, confidant, or even a group of friends can help alleviate stress. 


  • Indulge in warm touch; hugs and kisses go a long way– Basic warm touch calms cardiovascular stress. It activates the body’s vagus nerve, which is intimately involved with our compassionate response, and a simple touch can trigger release of oxytocin, aka “the love hormone.” How often do you lean on your partner or hold hands while having a conversation? How often do you hug your kids? How about doing these more often and observing how you feel. For me it’s a magic bullet. 


  • Take a break- Outside negative energies can drain your internal energy. Cultivate more joy in simple routine like walking your dog, smiling at your child in the morning, listening to music, going to a farmer’s market etc. This helps preserve your inner calmness. 


  • Keep replenishing- Its impossible to always have a tank full of energy all day everyday. So be kind to yourself. Find time to feel freedom. Take pause from work and engage in meaningful experiences like holiday with family, learning a new hobby, a relaxing dinner with your best buddy. 

Following these guidelines may not just COMBAT STRESS but also brings vitality and longevity to your life. And you become more resilient to daily challenges that are thrown at you. 


Note: Always consult your GP/PHYSICIANS. This article is no way giving you any medical recommendations or asking you to override your doctor’s advice. Nurture Yourself is not responsible for any health issues you may have or develop in future.

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