
“If I don’t drink milk, where will I get my calcium?” is a commonly asked question. The milk industry advertises milk as a good source of calcium. And this is deeply engrained through the culture and tradition we are brought up in.

But, its not the dairy or milk products that helps us in building strong bones. Its the CALCIUM.

We all know that calcium is the building block of our bones and thereby we believe that  milk consumption  will ensure enough calcium levels in our body.

Do you know that it is absolutely possible to obtain all calcium needs solely from food, at the exclusion of any animal products or direct supplementation? Dietary calcium intake deficiency almost NEVER occurs. The actual problem is that calcium is not being utilized efficiently.

  • 300 mg/day is commonly offered by a well-balanced diet, excluding calcium-rich foods. This comes from little contributions that add up, and includes ingredients such as dark green vegetables such as spinach, chard, kale, broccoli, almonds, and the white part on the outer layer of oranges.
  • 700 – 900 mg/day is to be consumed from calcium-rich food sources.

Here is the comparison to get my point more clear-The calcium content of human milk is just 33 mg per 100 ml and the calcium content of 100 grams sesame seeds have 1,160 mg of calcium.

Some other plant based sources of calcium are namely, leafy greens like kale, spinach, broccoli, lettuce, nuts and seeds such as almonds, pistachio, grains like amaranth and beans too. These foods also come with added nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and healthy complex carbs which supports our overall health. Although the best bet is to opt for fortified foods such as fortified plant based milks which have calcium and most times these milk are also fortified with B12 and Vitamin D.


Calcium from fortified non-dairy drinks, non-dairy yogurts, and tofu are absorbed at the same rate and efficiency as those from cow’s milk. Some fortified plant based choices are namely plant based milks, orange juice, tofu, yoghurts. You need to check the label to see if they are calcium fortified or not. All brands have varied about of calcium. 

Key Points to remember while buying fortified milks are

  • choose 100-150 mg per 100ml
  • best protein rich milk choice is an unsweetened soy  or pea milk
  • milk brands that have fortified with B12 and Vitamin D are added benefits if you are not getting these from elsewhere
  • choose unsweetened version of plant milks whenever possible

Researchers at Harvard University concluded from a study of the diets of 78,000 women over a 12-year period, that participants whose primary source of calcium was dairy actually doubled their risk of hip fractures. Societies with little or no consumption of dairy products and animal protein show a low incidence of osteoporosis. 

I use various plant based milks to meet my varying taste and culinary needs.  

  • Soy milk is thick in consistency so great for baking , or in coffee. I also also make butter milk which I use for baking.
  • Coconut milk goes well with curries, desserts and even in smoothies due to its sweet and creamy texture.
  • Oat milk is delicious in coffee, turmeric milk or Matcha.
  • Hemp milk is not so common variety yet its is high in protein and can be used for drinking.

Hope you will try some of these milks and let me know how it goes. 

Also, get some plant based yoghurt & give this recipe a try. Its fresh and will add so many beautiful nutrients to  your body. 
