
Zinc guide on a plant based diet. 


Are you a new Vegan or started making a plant dominant diet? And you can’t put your head around the different nutrients that you need to focus on. I get it! I was there many  years ago. In simple terms, Zinc is important for healthy functioning of our body. It is useful for strong immunity, promotes making of DNA, supports normal growth and development in children, fertility in women and  promotes wound healing. 

Deficiency of zinc can lead to diarrhea, stunted growth, impotence, depressed immunity, eye and skin lesions and even hair loss. Too much zinc isn’t good either. Best is to get a blood work done by your general practitioner to monitor your zinc level specially if you are  Vegetarian, Vegan or predominantly Plant based. 

Common sources of Zinc

Great sources of zinc can be plant based yoghurts, plant based milks, cooked wild rice, lentils, pine nuts, cooked tempeh,  cashew butter, tofu (set with magnesium chloride or calcium sulphate), tahini, cooked chickpeas, black eyed beans, split beans, soya nuts, wheat germs, pumpkin seeds and more. 

If you consume a plant diverse foods, you will most likely get your daily value (DV%). The recommended daily intake of zinc for adults is 8 milligrams for women and 11 milligrams for men, regardless of age. The guidelines may need to be adjusted for older adults to ensure they are getting enough zinc. The body does not have much ability to store zinc, so regular intake is important. 

Why Zinc absorption can be a concern? 

There are few reasons for zinc deficiency. 

  1. People who drink alcohol might have low zinc. Its because alcohol reduces zinc absorption. 
  2. Other at-risk populations include people with dietary and disease factors that also affect zinc status such as irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease, gastrointestinal disorders and liver disease; women facing food insecurity; or women with certain dietary restrictions, such as vegetarians or vegans who don’t eat enough zinc rich foods.
  3. People consuming high level of Iron Supplements. A good idea is to take supplements in between meals to avoid interference of zinc absorption from food sources.
  4. Zinc in certain food sources can be bound to phosphorous in compounds called phytates. To reduce the amount of zinc bound to phytates found mainly in seeds, legumes and grains; you can soak, sprout, ferment, or blend food to make zinc more available for absorption.
  5. Lastly, zinc from plant foods are less readily absorbed than zinc from animal derived sources. So a clear focus should be on  sources of zinc and include them in your diet. 

So what could be the best way to increase zinc absorption?

Simple cooking techniques such as soaking, sprouting, fermenting and blending can enhance zinc absorption. These methods may also reduce gas, bloating and make digestibility of beans and legumes easier on the stomach. Focus on zinc rich foods as mentioned above in your cooking daily. And avoid lifestyle risk factors as mentioned above. 




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 Note: Always consult your GP/PHYSICIANS. This article is no way giving you any medical recommendations or asking you to override your doctor’s advice. Nurture Yourself is not responsible for any health issues you may have or develop in future.

source- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33599941/

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